ServiceWA App – Do you need help?
The Service WA App as issued by the WA Government is not the easiest application to setup and may not work on all phones?
Under unfolding government legislation it may become difficult to enter pubs, clubs, even the bottle-shop without having the ServiceWA app (or similar in other states) setup on your smart-phone correctly
Older phones (non-smart-phones) cannot run the apps required to setup the ServiceWA App but smart-phones (Apple or Android) should have no problem**
To successfully install and setup the ServiceWA app on your phone you first need an active MyGov account plus the MyGov ID app and optionally the Medicare Express App
Is the ServiceWA Mandatory?
No, you can still get by checking in with the current SafeWA app or by completing the manual registration but from 31st January, you will need to produce a valid vaccination certificate or an exception (see below) and a valid form of identification such as a driving license or passport to prove you are the holder to access the following venues and events
Why do I need the Service WA App?
Where can I download ServiceWA App?
The ServiceWA app is available to download on the Apple App Store and Google Play
How do I use the new App?
What other Apps do I need in addition to ServiceWA?
We found it easier to install if you had previously installed
- the MyGov ID app on the Apple App Store and Google Play
…and go through the process of setting this up.
When setting up, you can choose your “Identity Strength“.
We found that “Basic Identity strength” was not sufficient to work with the ServiceWA app and so had to upgrade to “Standard identity strength” whic required you to enter your personal details and verify at least two of the following Australian identity documents (your name must match on both):
- driver’s licence or learner’s permit
- passport (not more than three years expired)
- Australian birth certificate
- visa (using your foreign passport)
- citizenship certificate
- ImmiCard
- Medicare card.
2. And have an active MyGov account
You may not already have an active MyGov account in which case you must set one up here, else you can login here
3. (Optional) plus the Medicare Express App
When you’ve got your myGov account linked to Medicare, you can download and use the app on the Apple App Store and Google Play
Can I continue using the SafeWA app instead?
Yes, People will be able to continue to use the SafeWA app to check in at venues, but as the app will eventually become out of date, it is recommended people download ServiceWA and use this app to check in to venues.
In addition to the SafeWA app to check in by QR code, from January 31st you will also need to prove vaccination status** and produce photo ID, see below.
*How can I prove my vaccination status without the ServiceWA app?
ServiceWA app and the Express Plus Medicare app are the only two forms you can use without the need for additional photo ID.
You can also show a Digital certificate, Immunisation history statement (digital), Immunisation history statement (printed), Medical exemption (digital), Medical exemption (printed), Printed certificate (digital), Printed certificate with additional photo ID … see here for full details
**Which iPhone model will accept the ServiceWA App?
Your iPhone model has to be an iPhone 6S or 6S Plus or newer running iOS 10 or higher
It is not the most intuitive app to install but once you have a MyGov account, the Medicare Express Plus and MyGov ID apps, the pieces fall into place pretty quickly.
If you have a pensioner or concession card and live in Western Australia, drop us a line and we will see if we can help you in person on remotely for free