Common computer problems and possible self-fixes for a computer that will not start, hangs, freezes or is very slow Power Issues. If your computer or device shows no sign of power, cannot be started by holding down the power button, shows no lights and no noise such as a fan or ticking hard-disk. Then...
All iPhone, iPad, Mac, Macbook users need an iCloud account. Do you know yours? Every iPhone, iPad, Mac, Macbook users has 5GB of free iCloud data storage where your most important data is automatically stored. Your iCloud account is what you use to backup your address book and contacts and to link multiple devices....
Need to replace your ageing Windows PC or Mac? Let us show you the affordable alternatives Wether you have a Windows PC, Apple Mac or iPad/iPhone, one day you will need to replace them because: a) They have stopped working and you cannot get parts or it has become uneconomical to fix … or...
If you have an iPhone, iPad or iMac, setting up iCloud is the easiest way to backup your device automatically over WiFi and every user gets a FREE 5GB of data storage with each account. According to our research over 70% of iPhone/iPad users have NEVER or RARELY backup their data or even know...
How to check your iPhone or iPad has the latest iOS (Operating System) updates installed, and if not, how to install them. Backup before Updating It is always wise to backup your iPhone or iPad before attempting any updates. How to Backup an iPhone How to Backup an iPad Updating iPhone or iPad The...
It is vitally important to keep Apple’s Mac, iMac and Macbook Operating System (MacOS) and Apps updated to avoid security and compatibility issues with Apple Devices and Apple computers. Updating the MacOS operating system fixes many common issues on iMac’s, Macbooks and Mac mini’s Backup before Updating Updates can corrupt your data so...
Why is my iPhone/iPad not auto-updating? You probably thought that by simply switching your iPhone and iPad to Automatically install updates would ensure that the updates would just happen in the background without you needing to keep an eye on them? WRONG In Settings goto General then General >> Software Update Auto updates need...
Facebook and Google are tracking our habits and even pushing Alcohol and Tobacco advertising at teenagers when visiting other sites. If you have an Apple iPhone or iPad. Here is how to stop them. In April 2021, the findings were revealed in a report, released, by lobby group Reset Australia — the local arm...
iPhone v Android. Which Smartphone OS is the most secure. Most Smartphones are either Apple iPhones (using Apple iOS Operating System) or Samsung, Huawei, Google, LG, Nokia, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo etc. (using Android Operating System) There is much debate about which OS (Operating System) iOS or Android offers the best security to prevent hacking...