How to check Mac, iMac, Mini or MacBook for MacOS Updates

It is vitally important to keep Apple’s Mac, iMac and Macbook Operating System (MacOS) and Apps updated to avoid security and compatibility issues with Apple Devices and Apple computers.

Updating the MacOS operating system fixes many common issues on iMac’s, Macbooks and Mac mini’s

macos monterey


Backup before Updating

Updates can corrupt your data so it is vital you backup your data before attempting any upgrade. See the following guides.

How to backup an iMac

How to backup a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro

How to backup a Mac Mini

How to check for MacOS/OSx updates – using “About This Mac” or “System Preferences”

  1. About This Mac
  2. System Preferences

1. About This Mac

The easiest one by far is by clicking on the black Apple icon in the top left of any Mac and then selecting “About This Mac

about this mac



This will take you to the “App Store” where available updates (if any) will be shown to you.

If updates are available, you should see an image similar to the following

iOS updates available

2. System Preferences

Or by going through “System Preferences”


And selecting “App Store


App Store – Checks for available Updates

If there are NO updates available, you will be greeted my a similar message as below:


If updates ARE AVAILABLE, you will encounter a message like the following, which may give you the choice of installing a major update such as Big Sur, Catalina, Mojave or High Sierra


Or you may be offered updates to individual programs such as Safari or Mail or in this case “the Unarchiver


It is very important to keep Apple’s Operating System (OSx) and Apps updated to avoid security and compatibilities with iPhones and iPads.