Considering buying or gifting a 2nd hand or refurbished iPhone? Which models are still supported by Apple (meaning they get regular updates and are secure)? Well at the time of writing the latest iOS update was 15 and supported iPhones are iPhone 6 and newer. However, as of September 2022, iOS 16 will...
Mobile Phones are either “smart-phones” or “non-smart-phones” Non-Smart Phones Smart Phones From Wikipedia – A smartphone is a portable device that combines mobile telephone and computing functions into one unit Smart-Phones generally are internet-connected devices that work as a phone AND a computer and are differentiated further by their operating-system or “OS” as follows. Category 1 – Apple iPhones (using iOS...
Need to replace your ageing Windows PC or Mac? Let us show you the affordable alternatives Wether you have a Windows PC, Apple Mac or iPad/iPhone, one day you will need to replace them because: a) They have stopped working and you cannot get parts or it has become uneconomical to fix … or...